
we bought a house...

Isn't she pretty?

It's been four weeks since we closed on our house and already SO much has happened (on the inside at least - the outside is the same, just a bit less snowy). But before I give an update on our progress, I thought I'd share a WHOLE BUNCH of "before" pictures. Because I know my imaginary blog audience is dying to see it all.

Maybe I'll follow up with some notes about what we hope to do with the space, both near- and long-term. But for now, I'll let these wallpapered, brown-curtained, stenciled beauties speak for themselves. So here it is, the day we closed.

Front entrance (whoa dark! whoa wallpaper!):
 And yes, you walk in the front door and can see straight into the bathroom.
Then take a right into the living room (the house came with this wicked cute baby! Bonus!):
 Looking back from the far side of the living room toward the entryway and stairs (that's a coat closet in the corner):
From the corner of the living room, looking into the dining "area" (don't worry, we'll get more on that enormous semi-built-in cabinet business in a minute)...
 ...and back from the dining area into Eleanor's corner the living room:
 Another view of the dining zone (what's the deal with valances, anyway?)
Then into the family room (it's called a Count Rumford fireplace. Fancypants). Again, holy wallpaper! More light-blocking valances!
 These two are from the back door (through the garage):

The sunroom (off the dining area):

And now, the kitchen, otherwise known as where all light goes to die:
 Or, "wood, wood, everywhere!"
 Beautiful wood stove. In the MIDDLE of the small-ish kitchen. Problematic?
I'm especially fond of the faux brick backsplash (can you even call it that?) and the beautiful light fixtures.
 I don't even know what's in that back right corner...
Now the downstairs bathroom:
 Here's a toilet:
And then, surprise! Another toilet! Right next door! In case, you know, you're into tandem bathroom breaks.

 Double heater action:
Downstairs bedroom (originally the master bedroom, but we'll probably use it for a guestroom/office/roller rink). Now THIS wallpaper is really something special (the brown lower walls and trim really accentuate it, don't you think?):

 Looking from the bedroom back down the hall to the kitchen:
 From the downstairs hall back out to the front door (that's the coat closet on the left):
 Second floor landing, looking down:
 Second floor landing --> upstairs hall:
 Eleanor's room! (wallpaper, valances... it's a theme):

 Upstairs bathroom (sadly, this one only has one toilet):

Master bedroom:

 Upstairs hallway, looking back from the master bedroom (all closets on the left):
 And the back of the house:

No pictures (yet) of the basement (which is awesome) and the attached garage (almost as awesome).

So what do you think? Do you see the same potential we do? Or are we totally screwed?


this is eleanor

Her interests include: being tickled, a creature named "Sophie the Giraffe," lint/hairballs, breastmilk, pulling herself up to stand and then crying because she can't figure out how to sit back down, laughing at all of my hilarious jokes, MacGyvering her way off the changing table, crushing crackers in her tiny fists, my glass of water, catalogs, and pastel plastic Easter eggs. She's the love of my life.

what i blog when i blog about blogging

So starting a blog in 2014 feels a little like buying a Walkman in 1994. Or like saying you're into the band Dispatch in 2002. And I fully acknowledge that I might be just on the wrong side of history here. I mean, who reads blogs anymore, anyway? (Um, I do.) Even in an infinite space like the internet, it seems like there really just isn't room for one more flibbertigibbety food/mommy/photography/home/style blog. And yet... Hi! Here I am.

I do find it strange that when I think about my reasons for wanting to start a blog, it's usually some sort of version of "I want a record of the things my family experiences," which is odd because I could just keep a file on my computer with a journal and some photos, or even do it oldschool style and keep a written diary. So I guess the modification is, "I want a record of the things my family experiences and I want other people to read about these experiences." But why? Does every blogger secretly think that their life is slightly more interesting/stylish/wholesome/funny than the average person's and therefore worth broadcasting? Maybe. Or maybe it's about connecting with a community of readers? Or hoping for a book deal? Or lots and lots and lots of money? I mean, that's what it's all about, right? "I want a record of the things my family experiences and I want other people to read about these experiences and then offer me lots and lots of money to write about the stuff I do every day." That pretty much sums it up.

So stay tuned. There's more to come including: What it's like to strip wallpaper endlessly! How to feed a baby a banana! Mud season in Maine! (Advertisers, publishers, Target, you can contact me at libby (dot) irwin (at) gmail (dot) com to discuss the money you'd like to pay me.)

(photo from The Daily Mail)